Judy Asks: Is Migration Europe’s Achilles Heel? – CARNEGIEEUROPE.EU – 24/11/2022

Migration is putting Europe to shame. Thousands of desperate people, many fleeing war and persecution, are dying in the Mediterranean. This represents a humanitarian tragedy and a European failure.

EU entry points for migrants—Italy, Spain, Greece—are in the spotlight. They have a point when they request solidarity from other EU member states in developing a truly common migration and asylum system.

Part of the problem is Europe’s weakness in its Southern neighborhood. Europe is impotent in conflict areas like Syria or Libya, where civil wars led millions of people to displacement. Europe is divided toward the MENA region.

Establishing a common European system of legal migration is an opportunity. It also responds to the challenges of demography and economic development of European societies.

A positive stance by governments is key. Finger-pointing at migrants and using poisonous terms such as “invasion” only delivers votes for the xenophobic far right. Governments should get serious about the integration of migrants, schooling and training, as well as social and employment policies.

The protection of EU external borders is vital. If ignored, it would surrender the public discourse to the toxic impact of the far right. But border protection should be implemented with scrupulous respect to the human rights of migrants and the rights of refugees under international law.

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